Youth Leadership Cabinet

The United Way Youth Leadership Cabinet is a student led organization that seeks to improve the Brazos Valley by connecting, serving and leading in their community.

Mission: The Youth Leadership Cabinet is united to lead the way volunteering, raising funds and helping others in the Brazos Valley.

Connect – Serve – Lead

Connect (Social/Networking):  Provides opportunities for local teenagers to meet other high school students as well as members of their community. The Youth Leadership Cabinet is made up of students from seven area high schools including – A&M Consolidated High School, Allen Academy, Brazos Christian School, Bryan Collegiate High School, Bryan High School, College Station High School, College View High School and Rudder High School.

Serve (Community Involvement & Fundraising):  Members have various community involvement opportunities to directly impact people’s lives. This includes hosting public events, such as their annual profit share with DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks, and volunteer opportunities such as their Day of Caring, where members are recruited to help with nonprofit projects.

The Youth Leadership Cabinet raises funds and coordinates a micro-grant program each spring for local nonprofit organizations. In 2019-2020, the Youth Leadership Cabinet raised over $12,176 which they granted to the Brazos Valley COVID-19 Community Relief Fund and 10 nonprofits serving the Brazos Valley.

Lead (Leadership Education): Members have opportunities to develop their leadership abilities through service on the Youth Leadership Cabinet, and on committees by helping to coordinate fundraisers and service opportunities. 

Students work together to lead meetings, reach out to community contacts and coordinate school and community events. Positions include School Chair (for their respective high school), United We Serve Chair, Day of Caring Chair, Marketing Chair, Secretary, Vice Chair and two Co-Chair positions.

Additionally, other high school students are invited to Youth Leadership Day, a large-scale leadership education event. They spend a day with the Youth Leadership Cabinet, learning about community needs and ways to enact change in the Brazos Valley.

Youth Leadership Cabinet Committees

Leadership Committee:  Finds workshops and creates activities to help develop leadership skills within the Youth Leadership Cabinet Members (Ex. Public Speaking Workshop)

Marketing Committee:  Spreads the word about what the Youth Leadership Cabinet is doing and tries to increase attendance to fundraisers and Youth Leadership Cabinet Events.

  • Creates posters and flyers
  • Creates posts for social media platforms (Follow us on Instagram @UWYouthLeadershipCabinet)
  • Spreads the word on KBTX and on the radio

Events: Plans events that the Youth Leadership Cabinet hosts like Day of Caring and United We Serve

Benefits of Joining the Youth Leadership Cabinet

United Way’s Youth Leadership Cabinet:

  • Gain unique knowledge of the community
  • Understand the work of United Way and gain investment in positively impacting the community
  • Develop critical leadership, organization, teamwork and planning skills
  • Advance youth involvement in the community
  • Develop key contacts
  • Become a part of a community-wide effort to make a difference 


Age Requirement: 9th grade – 12th grade students at local high schools including A&M Consolidated High School, Allen Academy, Bryan Collegiate High School, Bryan High School, College Station High School, College View High School and Rudder High School.

Application Phase: Principals and School Counselors assist in identifying qualified and interested candidates for application. Interested candidates complete an application and submit it to the Youth Leadership Cabinet for consideration. Applications are accepted during the spring semester. Interested candidates should contact their Principal or School Counselor for more information.

Attendance Commitment:

  • Commit to attend 75 percent of weekly meetings/events-meetings are a time for planning upcoming fundraisers and projects and are a vital part of service on the Youth Leadership Cabinet.
  • Commit to attend fundraising activities
  • Commit to serve on at least one (1) committee
  • Commit to participate in the planning and attendance Youth Leadership Day (fall semester) and Day of Caring (spring semester)

United Way of the Brazos Valley works to improve health, expand education and address essential needs for every person in the Brazos Valley.