Board Officers
Board Roster
Board Officers
- Max Crawford, KBTX Media
- Board Chair
- Razen Thomas, Niche Properties
- Treasurer
- Jennifer Hobbs, Community Volunteer
- Secretary
- Ryan King, UPS
- Chair Elect
- Razen Thomas, Niche Properties
- Past Board Chair
Board Roster
- Andrew Arizpe, First Financial Bank
- Ryan Briggs, Paragon Financial Advisors
- Ginger Carrabine, Bryan ISD
- Jaime Cavazos, Kept Classic Homes
- Max Crawford, KBTX Media
- Jennifer Hobbs, Community Volunteer
- Ryan King, UPS
- Dr. Bowen Loftin, Community Volunteer
- Howard Mayne, Mayne Properties
- Evelyn Mullen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Rob Mwandia, DJ Rob
- Gus Roman, Community Volunteer
- Bea Saba, City of Bryan – BCS Public Library System
- Eric Tate, Atmos Energy
- Oliver Thoma, West, Webb, Allbritton, & Gentry
- Razen Thomas, Niche Properties
- Rhonda Watson, Boys & Girls Club of the Brazos Valley (Agency Representative)
- Rev. Korey Wright, St. Thomas Episcopal
- Lucy Ybarra, Navasota-Grimes County Chamber of Commerce
- Casey Zimmerman, Truist Bank
Ex-Officio Members
- Allison Bendersky, Bush Board Fellow
- Dorothy Nevill, Twin City Mission (Agency Representative)
Dr. Bowen Loftin
Max Crawford, KBTX Chief Meteorologist
Directors are nominated to the Board each January and serve up to two, three-year terms. To learn more about serving on the Board of Directors to United Way of the Brazos Valley, contact Peggi Ondrasek, President & CEO at pondrasek@uwbv.org.